About Dr Mirriam Kganya
Dr Mirriam Kganya is a practising Clinical Psychologist in both public (Dr George Mukhari Academic Hospital) and private sectors. Her consulting offices are located in Pretoria; Wonderpark Mall and Soshanguve. She is currently the MSc Clinical Psychology training programme coordinator and a lecturer at Sefako Makgatho Health Sciences University (SMU), formerly Medunsa. She teaches postgraduate course in psycho-diagnostic assessment. Her areas of research interests include the application of psychological assessment in the South African context, child and adolescent development, and focus on depression and anxiety amongst young people.
Graduating Cum Laude in Honours degree, Mirriam further holds a Master’s and PhD degrees in Clinical Psychology from the University of Limpopo (Medunsa Campus) and SMU respectively. She obtained supporting qualifications in Supervisory Development Programme from the Durban University of Technology (DUT) and Human Resources Management from the University of South Africa (Unisa).
Post internship and community service in clinical psychology, she started practicing independently from 2008. Over the years, she has acquired training, experience and competence in the following scopes:
- Psychotherapy,
- Trauma debriefing and counselling,
- Group facilitation,
- Supervision of Intern Clinical Psychologists,
- Selection of Clinical Psychology Masters’ students (Sefako Makgatho Health Sciences University; SMU)
- Administration and management,
- Policy and programme formulation and implementation,
- Professional practice and other activities that promote psychological wellbeing in individuals, families, groups, and organisations.
consultations with the Psychologist are per appointment

- +27 12 549 2330
- +27 12 516 0718
- +27 79 811 5112
- info@drkganyapsychologist.co.za